donderdag 5 juni 2014

The name of Osama bin Laden, as the mastermind behind the 9/11 attack, was mentioned on the media 42 seconds after the second impact! Remarkably fast after the “surprise-attacks” in september 2001.
Skyscrapers like the Twin Towers were build of steel, lots of steel. The frame and the inner core's weight 540.000.000 kilo's. A billion pounds of first class steel evaporated by the effect of the impact of 2 airplanes. The second plane even flew right through the building. Even if the planes were fully loaded with kerosine, they had not enough destructive power to bring the skyscrapers down. Kerosine does not produce enough heat to melt steel frames. But they did!
After an hour or so the Twin Towers imploded and collapsed to the ground in 10 seconds. Free fall speed. Long after the disaster, pools of liquid iron had to be dealt with. Kerosene does not do that. Termite does. The most powerful explosive on earth, witch literally turns everything into dust. At the time of 9/11 “nano-termite” existed. Miniatures of explosive devices, with a tremendous force.
But were there any planes at all? There were eyewitnesses that reported a missile and several explosions. In the media those messages were ignored. Two planes hit the Towers and caused the collapse. Eye-witnesses, photographs and video-recordings, they all seemed to prove the existence of two planes. But under close investigation strange data and coincidences appear. For instance, all the “official” (which means presented in the media) eye-witnesses all worked in the Corporate Media or were affiliated with it. The wife of one of the big CBS-bosses even appeared on television as eye-witness. She reported from her home, even though she could in no way see Manhattan. All media. All but one. Quite a coincidence. But it goes even further. All the impact-video's of Tower One and Tower Two were made by professionals, all but one. Quite a coincidence. But this evidence is disputed. It is clear, that all the images have been tampered with. Some show no second plane. Remarkably is a British news item. She announced, filled with emotion, that “Building 7” had collapsed. Strangely enough, “Building 7” was still standing, when her message was broadcast. The collapse took place 20 minutes later.

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