woensdag 31 juli 2013

Best UFO Sightings Of July 2013, Special Update Top UFO Video From Around The World! [Video]
Coast To Coast AM - July 29 2013 - Annunaki Secret History - C2CAM Radio, DisclosureRadio [Video]
Solar Cycle #24: On Track To Be The Weakest In 100 Years
Solar Cycle #24: On track to be the weakest in 100 years
City-sized UFO Hovering Above Earth, Notice The Many Specs-of-light UFOs In The Pic Too. [Video]City-sized UFO hovering above Earth, Notice the many specs-of-light UFOs in the pic too.
Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization In Earth Mantle [Video]
Mysterious Hum Driving People Around The World CrazyMysterious Hum Driving People Around the World Crazy

UFOTV® Presents - CROP CIRCLES - Hyperspace Gateways -

UFOTV® Presents - The Oracle - A 400 Year Old Secret -

The Enigma of Flying Spheres

Of all the various kinds of UFO related phenomena, which have materialized, the so-called light spheres certainly hold a particularly important place. These objects have recently gained greater popularity thanks, in part, to the studies conducted by Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff. According to his theory the light spheres could be the cause behind crop circles with which they have often been associated, but the spheres began to appear many years ago.

Beyond the Bermuda Triangle: The Devil’s Sea

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the deadliest stretches of ocean on earth. But what if there were an even deadlier one? In the Pacific there may be. Why massive state-of-the-art ship was suddenly lost with all hands? What happened to the aircraft that vanished without a clue? What deadly forces sent sailors to their doom? It’s really a terrifying experience for those that were on board. The world’s most powerful navy knows the dangers well. The moment you stop respecting it and fearing it is when things go wrong.

dinsdag 30 juli 2013


on Albert Einstein

In his famous 1939- letter to FD. Roosevelt Albert Einstein, who had just fled Nazi-Germany, warned the American president about the possibility, that the Germans would develop nuclear superweapons of enormous power. They possessed the scientists, the facilities and the will-power to do so and they would not hesitate to use them. If the USA didn't develop the, the Nazi's surely would. After the Allied Victory in Europe and Asia, it became clear that the Axis-scientists (Japan wanted to go nuclear too), came very close in realizing nuclear supremacy.

Instead, the Americans were first. In a remarkable short period of time, the Manhattan-project took of. On july 16 1945 the first A-bomb was tested and on august 6, three weeks later (!), “Fat Boy” was dropped on Hirosjima. Mankind entered the age of Atomic Warfare.

Finally, we possessed a weapon, even the army, was afraid of using. Untill now. The Manhattan-project went on and developed small, selective nuclear-devices, even on a nano-scale. Military think-tanks now believe, that an atomic exchange, could be “winnable”. Even worse is the use of depleted uranium, we find in all types of ammunition snd bombs. They poisoned the soil of Iraq, Libia, Syria and Afghanistan.

If a child is born in these worn-torn area's, the parents don't ask if it is a boy or a girl, but if it is healthy and normal. In a growing numbers of cases, children are born with hugh deformations and genetic “faults”. All of our doing, because we fight an hidden “atomic war”.

The Starchild Skull: Disclosure's Smoking Gun - Lloyd Pye (full video)

Something to think about


Charles Darwin (some say most of his ideas came from his grandfather) is the founding father of the concept of evolution, which revolutionized science, religion and the development of an industrial, capitalistic and global system of enslavement, exploitation and under-development. Darwin thoughts were, according to some, influenced by demons and the devil, to make the existence of God open for debate. Survival of the fittest, a concept formulated in Darwin “opus magnus”, legitimized the superiority of the white, colonial superpowers. Social darwinism, eugenics, social conditioning, crowd control and transhumanism use it to proof their axioms.


On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (1859)

Charles Darwin's wife was very religious and not to confront her too much he chose “On the Origin of Species”, expressing his “uncertainty”. The sub-title makes it clear. Natural selection is the driving principle to preserve the position of greedy, white, upperclass males; who did not only have God, but also nature on their side.
'Komeet van de eeuw' lijkt al te doven – Metro

zaterdag 27 juli 2013


Spain: the Compostella-traincrash


But first. There has to be chaos.

Conclusion: The traincrash was a deliberate action.


A, the driver wanted to commit suicide. Nothing uncommon in Spain nowadays. There are known cases about committing suicide this way. A pilot deliberately crashed his plane, taking over 200 people with him. Later became known, that he was in debt, big time. Life-insurance? To die for the honour or safety of the family?

B, The train was taken over en deliberately crashed in that curve. The driver could not do a thing. Being completely computerized hacking and taking-over seems possible.

C, The driver was possessed by demons. In Catholic countries like Spain, possession is fairly common (historically and in the present). The Roman Catholic Church employes a growing group of priests dealing with exorcism. Examples of these rituals and their effects can be seen on my Blogs. Was the driver into the occult? Is this the reason, why it happened that day; disturbing an ancient and important ritual of completion at Santiago.

D, The driver was under mindcontrol. When carefully hypnotized, programmed and rewarded individuals can do the most terrible things. Triggercodes (words, sounds or colours) are implanted which brings the “volunteer” into a trance, and the program takes over. No moral barriers to stop some-one from assissinating a known figure. In a documentary a carefully selected adolescent, went through a program in which he was learn to step into a “sharpshooter-mode”, which enhanced his accuracy enormous. In hypnotic sessions he was trained to step into this mode, when he heard the sound of a mobile, and shoot the target (in this case Stephen Frey). Which is, what he did. Afterwards he didn't remember a thing.

But maybe it was a tehnical problem and lamed a virus the controls. You never know. I am curious what the Spanish authorities will come up with.
SiTU – Basics

advised personal library (1)

                    1. Bible
                    2. Qu'ran
                      at least 2 in your own language
                    3. RAMAKRISHNA
                      so many roads –
                    4. Homer – The Iliad and the Odyssee
                    5. J.R.R. Tolkien – The Lord of the Rings

donderdag 25 juli 2013

Ariane 5 succesvol gelanceerd - Nederlands Dagblad
2013 - STEALTH MISSION CURIOSITY: Confirming Ancient Intelligence On Mars - Richard C. Hoagland LIVE [Video]


India Probes 'UFOs' After Drone Denial
India probes 'UFOs' after drone denial
Nasa's Cassini Spacecraft: Picture Of Earth From Saturn ReleasedNasa's Cassini Spacecraft: Picture Of Earth From Saturn Released

WIST U DIT? Over lemmingen

Lemmingen zijn kleine knaagdieren, die in Scandinavië op en rond de Noordpoolcirkel leven.

Deze dieren zijn “beroemd” geworden, door hun zelfmoordneigingen. Steeg de populatie boven een bepaald aantal, dan groepeerden de dieren zich, trokken naar de rotsen en wierpen zich in zee.

Michael Tsarion, een gerenommeerd lid van de “alternatieve wetenschap” zag in dit gedrag een bewijs voor het bestaan van Atlantis. De muisachtigen bezaten, volgens Tsarion, een collectief geheugen voor hun “moederland” en probeerden Atlantis te bereiken. De horde verdronk collectief.


Dit algemene stukje kennis van de natuur is volkomen onjuist. Ze zijn gebaseerd op filmopnamen van Walt Disney. Daarbij werden gevangen lemmingen door schreeuwende medewerkers opgejaagd, zodat ze uit wanhoop in de diepte sprongen. Deze (zwart-wit) opnamen, vertoond in bijv. bioscoopjournaals, maakten een overweldigende indruk en werden in ons collectieve geheugen gebrand.


Om wetenschappelijk te bewijzen, dat collectieve zelfmoord in situaties van stress, natuurlijk gedrag is (Jonestown, Waco).

Dat is het niet.

dM, SiTU

woensdag 24 juli 2013


USA: A young woman, driving late at night. Was frightened by the appearance of a huge ape-like creature in the middle of the road. She could not avoid him and hit the Sasquatch. The creature was dead.

It turned out to be a local, who benefitted from the supposed BIGFOOT sightings, by acting as a guide for tourists.

It is legal to shoot BIGFOOT in Texas, but is forbidden in several other US. counties and states. In Canada you can be sentenced to jail-time and fined 5000$.

Americas Book of Secrets : The Mystery of Bigfoot

[Spectaculaire beelden van de Aarde vanop Saturnus ]
Spectaculaire beelden van de Aarde vanop Saturnus
In de ruimte zijn unieke foto's genomen van de Aarde vanop de planeet Saturnus. Lees meer
Mosselseizoen wordt geopend in Yerseke - BINNENLAND - PAROOL
Smaller, paler Earth unveiled in new Nasa photo: robotic space probe nearly 900 million miles (1.5 billion km) from Earth turned its gaze away from Saturn...

dinsdag 23 juli 2013

UFO Near Edwards Air Force Base, Southern California, 1954

Exciting UFO News From The 2013 MUFON Symposium

Please, allow me to introduce myself

Meer dan 200 afgeleide Star Wars-romans
Met het verschijnen van 'Star Wars: Crucible', een van de meer dan 200 Star Wars-romans, dijt het universum van Star Wars én LucasBooks uit tot kosmische proporties.
[Meer dan 200 afgeleide Star Wars-romans]


the OM-principle

The OM-principle or simply OM is a tool SiTU-scholars and -students use to analyse the reality we enjoy.

Shortly said: The opposite of statements, interprations and formalized knowledge (the Laws of Physics) and especially data from the governement, cooperations and universities is TRUE.

So always research the other sides, the alternative explanations and visions. Think multidimensional. This attitude may get you closer to the Truth and speed up your learning abilities.

My Guru asked me to prove that E is not Mc2.

And I did that

and even more.

dM, SiTU

*TIME TRAVELERS* Ancient Aliens

maandag 22 juli 2013

1948: KAPUSTIN YAR, Russia's Roswell


Manning, Assange, Snowden and other wistleblowers made it once and for all clear, that every government collects data from us, without telling us and keeping the research on these data a secret. One of the effects is a “personal file”, which contends are analyzed if you have the tendency to drop out, rebel or have a tendency to kill. Individuals, called lone wolves, are marked as a potential danger, would be marked, followed, spied upon and taken care of.

This was all known to us. The shootings on Iraqi citizens by bored and fucked up US-troops happened every day, and still do, but now by other hands.

In the meantime we put every detail of our personal life, our friends, our expectations, our goals in life, our sexlife and emotions on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and all kinds of social media. In combination with your phone-records, shopping results and favorite televisionprograms, apps and porn-sides, almost nothing can be hidden from the government; a word which literally meens “to control the thinking”.

All these data form your “BOOK OF LIFE”. And your personal identity, a virtual DNA-pattern, will be sold to the highest bidder, who uses it to further colonize Earth.

The “Alien” forces know already, how to clone our body. But because a cloned identity has no soul (which means, they cannot replicate us completely), they are developing a chip, small enough to be invisble and big enough to contain a holistic program of your complete life.

When this has happened, mankind will be the ultimate slaverace, joyfully, willingly and loyally doing all the dirty work and even wanting to die for this “way of life”.

If that's what you want, forget what I said. If you wan't to break free from this exploiting system, who does not give a damn about you (I do), start breaking free, f.i. by ending your FACEbook account.

The UFO Topic and Accelerated Learning

Het bestaan van Area 51 wordt door de Amerikaanse autoriteiten ontkent. Opnamen van een Russische spionagesatelliet bewijzen het tegendeel.
Volgens sommigen hebben  het daar verrichte onderzoek en ontwikkelingsprojecten ervoor gezorgd, dat de Verenigde Staten de Koude Oorlog winnend afsloot en tot nu, de leiding behield in de wapenwedloop.
Hierbij maakt men gebruik van "backengineering", d.w.z. dat restanten van gecrashte ufo's de basis hiervan vormen. Bob Lazar, een bekende klokkenluider over Area 51, beweerde aan een buitenaards ruimteschip te hebben gewerkt.
UFO Attacks Earth 5,000 Years Ago (Documented) [Video]


Gabe Kubanda talks Sammy Hagar's Alien Abduction at Warped Tour

zondag 21 juli 2013

Mars mission not for pride, we mean business: Isro: As India prepares to launch its Rs 450 crore mission to Mars this year

UFO Lands In China With Aviator? 2012 HD



Einstein once concluded, that the moment the bees would disappear, mankind would outlive them for four years. The foodchain we depend on would collapse, because pollinisation would almost come to an end. Meaning for instance an end to tomatoes and apples.

Years later, in 2006, this is exactly what happens. Tens of tousands of beehives were suddenly empty. The queen and the workforce had gone, leaving no trace and not to return.

Area's in China, who were famous for their apples for a thousand years, suddenly lay bare. No more bees! Desperately, they wrote to the Central Commitee for a solution. The answer was to do it by hand. Which they did, but they are still praying every night for the return of the honeybee.

Bees react to changes in the magnetic field, like birds do. When you manipulate the magnetic field, while bees are building their nest, different types of nest appear appear. Scientists suppose, that bees use the magnetic field, when they travel or are looking for nectar.

Recently scientists came with alarming news. The magnetic field of our planet is changing. The magnetic poles are on the move, the electro-magnetic field, that is protecting us from cosmic radiation, is loosing strength and recently “holes” around our planet were discovered, where electro-magnetism is completely gone.

While the magnetic field is fading away, the “Schumann-resonanz” is rising. Our planet has a “heartbeat” of 7.83 Herz. This corresponds with our “alpha-waves”, brainwaves we produce, when we are relaxed and open (meditation, sleep, prayer). Schumann's colleague Berger proved this with the first “EEG-machine”. During experiments volunteers (young students) stayed in an underground bunker. Underground, the rersonanz disappeares. Schumann noted, that the “guinea pigs” became irritated and felt (dis)tress. These symptoms disappeared, when he started a generator, that produced the alpha-waves/Schumann-resonancy!

We are beings of frequency. When the Schumann-resonancy increases, we will feel growing distress, when we do not adept to the changing circumstances. We lack periodes of openess and relaxation. The increase of cosmic radiation has all kinds of effects (cancer, deformed babies, mutations). You just have to look at the “Australian Open”, where everybody protects itselfs against the burning sun. The changing circumstances we face, are of a planetary (cosmic nature) scale. The Maya have predicted, that “time is speeding up” in the years up to december 2012. This will lead to a “singularity”, a collapse of our potential to keep up with incoming data. We will turn into zombies, ruled by machines, immediately.

In recent years we are bombarded by electromagnetic input globally, but since the nineties we have added our own “sources”. Using a mobile phone can be compared to voluntary putting your brain in a micro-wave oven (several hours a day). What is does to our brain is open to debate. A debate between people who warn and people who earn big money by it.

This reality is

the last dimension we have to clean

and to heal.

Are you ready?


zaterdag 20 juli 2013

Book of Enoch "The Book for the Final Generation"

Americas Book of Secrets - The Ancient Astronaut Cover Up


In 1961 werd het “World Wildlife Fund” (nu Wereld Natuur Fonds) opgericht. Een van de initiatiefnemers was Prins Bernhard van de Nederlanden, de ander Prins Philip van Engeland. Aan de vooravond hiervan bracht Koningin Elisabeth, samen met haar echtgenoot Philip, een bezoek aan India. Philip maakte van deze gelegenheid gebruik om olifanten, Aziatische neushoorns en Bengaalse tijgers te schieten.

De koningin maakte filmopnamen van deze moordprtijen op weerloze dieren.

Bekend is de uitspraak van prins Philip, dat hij na zijn dood terug wil keren als een kwaadaardige parasiet, met als doel de mensheid uit te moorden.
Ruimtewandeling afgebroken door water in helm
Ruimtewandeling afgebroken door water in helm. WASHINGTON -. De Italiaanse
astronaut Luca Parmitano was nog geen uur aan zijn wandeling in de ruimte
bezig, toen er door een lek water in zijn helm kwam. De ruimtewandeling
door de twee astronauten ...

donderdag 18 juli 2013


The only thing in which humans differ from eachother,

is the colour of their eyes.


Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking: Aliens

Epitaph: The Late, Great United States [Patrick Willis © Zen Gardner] [Video]
Epitaph: The Late, Great United States [Patrick Willis © Zen Gardner]

I believe in the existence of unicorns, (and in many more entities and “tendencies to exist”). But most of all, I believe in unicorns.

Why? I never saw a real one, but a long, long time ago, I was about 12 years old, I had gotten permission to visit and use the “Big Library”, for adults only, when I first was confronted by this mystery animal. The building is gone now and so are the many books that were kept there, too.

In the dusty and narrow alleyways one could wander for hours. And this is what I did. History, Geography, exotic locations and the wonders of nature, were my favorite subjects.

One Wednesday afternoon I layed my hands on a big book, richly illustrated , which told the story of the unicorn, who was still alive and kicking. Where? In Kenya!

The book, with a picture of a unicorn on the cover, told the story of an old book, that was recently discovered, which described a strategy to find the mysterious white horse. Or better, the animal would find YOU, if you were worthy.

As a novice, the daring had to undergo a kind of initiation-rite. Quite dangerous, because it meant a close confrontation with lions and elephant. The book described the journey of a German antropologist, who had made it all the way. The book was full of pictures of elephants and a lion-pack. The author got realy close to these wild animals. He was helped by a anoyting oil, the recipee was in the book.

But the last part of the book was the most impressive. Lots of pictures of unicorns in their natural habitat, wearing small blue flowers on their head. There even was a picture of a unicorn charg a lion.

The book was gone, when I searched for it, a couple of years later. But I still am convinced, that the pictures were authentic. No way, that it was faked and manipulated .

Do unicorns exist? Yes!

Video: zo was je je haar in de ruimte
Astronaute Karen Nyberg toont je in onderstaande video hoe je je lokken schoon kan houden wanneer je ronddobbert in het ISS
Lunar Lore : Episode One - No Smoke Without Fire [Video]
Martian Mythology : Episode Two - What Is The Colour Of Red? - 1080p HD [Video]

woensdag 17 juli 2013

SiTU Basics

Analysis of an Ally

subject: the United States of America

topic: (secret) warfare

positive PR/spin-off

participation World War 1

Participation World War 2

Formosa/Korea crisis


Berlin (Russian blockade)

Berlin (1989, the Fall of the “Mauer”)

11 september 2001

negative spin-off/ defeat


Somalia (Black Hawk Down)

Iran (the failure to free the hostages)








Iran (the introduction of the Sjah)


El Salvador (Iran-Contra)

Chili (Allende)






Military bases in 140 countries

Naval bases around the globe

Naval fleets controlling every ocean

Spy-planes and -drones

Submarines with nuclear weapons

Spy satellites and planes

Star Wars

deploying troops in Iraq and Afghanistan

Special forces

Barack Obama's global hitlist and drone-warfare

Guantanamo-bay and other torture facilities

Greatest arms-dealer in the world

Greatest spender on the military (50% of what is spend globally – trillions, year after year)

This all is run by president Barack Obama,

supreme commander of the military force of the USA,

and therefore a war-criminal,

who also received the Nobel Peace Price, while on active duty.

If you have friends like this,

who needs enemies?
I Want To Believe (UFO Part 1) [Video]
Time Reports The Roswell Incident Wasn't Aliens It Was The Russians 7-8-2013 [Video]
Roswell Confessions New Witness Testimonies Part1of5 [Video]
Astronomen ontdekken 'monsterster' in Melkweg
Global March Against Chemtrails And Geoengineering 8-25-2013 [Video]

Global March Against Chemtrails and Geoengineering 8-25-2013

Please, allow me to introduce myself

SiTU Basics

Advised reading – SCIENCE FICTION

              1. The Chronicles of Amber – R. Zelazny
2. Lord of Light – R. Zelazny
3. The War of the Worlds – H.G.Wells  
4. Dune – Frank Herbert
5. The Illuminatus Trilogy – Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
6. Foundation Trilogy – Isaac Asimov
                                   7. Durdane (a.o.) – Jack Vance
Destination Mars Full Movie [Video]

dinsdag 16 juli 2013


the “AHMEZ”-method

AHMEZ – (german) “Alles Haengt Mit Einander Zusammen” – Everything is connected, you are connected to everything (Holistic) in a complex and multi-levelled way.
When studying the surrounding reality and your place in it, you have to accept the concept of levels (dimensions) and thereof your limitations. On certain levels interaction seems predictable, causal and eternal. Mathemathical laws and the laws of nature seem to bind us. In that dimension we see enormous galaxies in the skies, with millions of stars sparkling. Maybe, there circle planets around these suns, which may be inhabited by (human) lifeforms. We will never know.

Why? Because of the fixed speed of light and the impossibility of going that fast. Astronauts would, when they returned to Earth, be shocked. Their 2-year trip was equal to a 2 centuries on their home-planet. Their cosmic exploration and its purpose, completely forgotten.

On other levels the Ahmes-method will introduce you to other worlds, other dimensions and “tendencies to exist”.
You will go, where nobody went before. You will realize, that there are practically no limitations. The AHMEZ-method will guide you and make sure, that you won't get lost. It's a dangerous journey and many good people never returned.


Quiz: Fabeldieren
Basilisk, griffioen, feniks: test je kennis over mythologische dieren en andere merkwaardige wezens. Lees meer
Latest Crop Circle 2013 Salo Italy Crop Circle Predicts Global Baptism Rites 2013 [Video]

latest crop circle 2013 Salo Italy crop circle predicts global baptism rites 2013
De 10 bekendste ufo-meldingen
Een overzicht van de 10 beste ufo-meldingen uit de geschiedenis op deze Wereld Ufo Dag.





UFO over Trindade Island, Brazil January 16, 1958

maandag 15 juli 2013

Nasa finds new moon on Neptune

Neptune Rings

Why We Fight (A Film By Eugene Jarecki) SiTU ADVISED VIEWING


Vogels, die ik regelmatig zie en groet.














specht (horen, net als de kikkers)










 Manuel Kirklin, was an Air Force Medic and high altitude chamber specialist stationed at Holloman AFB in 1955. Kirklin details several eye witness reports of President Eisenhower at Holloman on or about February 11th, 1955 in Ike's third year of his first term.

Gabe Kubanda talks Sammy Hager's Alien Abduction at Warped Tour

[Buitenaards leven mogelijk op 60 miljard planeten in de Melkweg ]
Buitenaards leven mogelijk op 60 miljard planeten in de Melkweg
Een nieuwe studie schat dat er 60 miljard bewoonbare planeten in de Melkweg zijn. Lees meer

66ste verjaardag neerstorten 'ufo' gevierd met festival

Bewerkt door: SiTU-001 redactie − 05/07/13, 18:00  − Bron: Huffington Post
© thinkstock.
66 jaar geleden begon een van de langst durende en hardnekkigste samenzweringstheorieën. De ufo die zou zijn neergestort bij het plaatsje Roswell. Om dit heugelijke feit te vieren begint vandaag het Roswell ufo Festival.
  • © thinkstock.
    Bord bij de plek waar de ufo neergestort zou zijn in Roswell
Het stadje Roswell in de woestijn van de Amerikaanse staat New Mexico wist niet wat het overkwam toen 66 jaar geleden een 'vliegende schotel' neerstortte. Sindsdien wordt stadje onlosmakelijk verbonden met paranormale activiteit. Een van de sprekers tijdens het festival is Jesse Marcel Junior. Zijn vader was een van de eersten die de brokstukken van het ongeïdentificeerde vliegende object zag en in bezit had. Zijn vader, Jesse Marcel, liet hem enkele stukken zien. "Het waren spalken van ongeveer 30 tot 45 centimeter lang. Het meest vreemde eraan was dat er symbolen aan de binnenkant van het oppervlak zaten", vertelt Marcel junior aan Huffington Post.

In eerste instantie bracht het Amerikaanse leger, dat een geheime basis bezit vlakbij Roswell, naar buiten dat ze brokstukken van een 'vliegende schotel' hadden gevonden. Dit werd echter al snel teruggetrokken en er kwam een tweede persbericht. Het zou een weerballon zijn geweest. Vele jaren later, in 1990, kwamen stukken naar buiten dat het de brokstukken van een atmosferische ballon kwamen waarmee Russische nucleaire tests konden worden waargenomen.

Maar hoe goed het leger ook zijn best doet om iedereen te overtuigen, een groep skeptici blijft onvermurwbaar. Wat Roswell nog steeds tot dé 'ufo-hoofdstad' van de wereld maakt.