maandag 2 juni 2014

SiTU Academy
lesson 8
Every society strives for perfection. This is the root of all evil. When a society is young and ambitious, like the Republic of the United Netherlands in the 16th century,, there was a lot of change, exploration and improvement. There will come a golden age. Filled with inventions and social, cultural, artistic and economic growth. When borders are reached, the Netherlands were defeated by Great Britain, a period of polishing appears. Identity is formalised and a class society is formed. Mobility between classes disappears and you need wars to get some air to breath. In the meantime education becomes less and less important. Money and wealth becoming the new targets. How you got your money, was not important. Many of the beautiful houses, boarding the waterways of Amsterdam, were build with money earned in the slavetrade or exploiting the inhabitants of Indonesia. Western-Europa had colonised the whole world. England, France, Portugal, the Netherlands and Spain were empires, where the sun never set.

In the endfase of a society the Elite rule en flourish and the dynamics of society are controlled with all kind of regulations, prescriptions, taxes and rules. But the the strive to perfection strangles the people and having no other way to go, the government will declare marshall-law and a police-state is born. And because of the violence, the disasters and out of fear, most citizens will accept this. That's one of the reasons why there are so many disastermovies. We are indoctrinated to believe that the worst shit can happen any moment. Isn't it a robbery, then we expect a weather cataclysm, fire, carcrashes and a flat tyre. Worst are the catastrophes which are due any minute. Supervolcanoes erupting, massive earthquakes and tsunamis can bring dissaster in any moment. Flooding and tornado's are shown on the news on a daily basis. And last but not least we could be hit by a solar storm or an asteroid. Maybe we will be saved by aliens.”

Jian waited a moment and used it to screen the fieldenergy in the classroom. He felt that he had their total attention. This stuff was new to most of them and still it was only basic-information, But you have to make as start.

This is a form of programming, mind-control you may say. The most important lesson that is stamped into you mind is, that you have to obey the milirary, the police and rescue-teams. Lesson two is that you will be exported to a camp, which reminds me of other camps, half a century ago. Some will be saved. If not saved by aliens, you might find a place in an underground base, which will be under strict military control.”

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