zondag 1 juni 2014


He was called “the sleeping prophet”. “Sleeping” referred to the state of self-hypnosis” and “profeth”. Because he diagnosed sick people from a distance, with a remarkable accuracy. A question, written down in a letter, was enough for him to reach out to the sick person, diagnose and prescribe medicine. Thousands of these consultations were made and written down. His name was “Edgar Cayce”, he lived in the USA, from 1877 to 1945. Some say he died from exhaustion, because many visitors wanted to know in those dark years, how there loved-ones fared and if they were still alive.

Casey's monumental achievement was unique, even though he himself could not fully explain, “how it worked”. By putting himself into a trance, he opened a gateway to unknown knowledge. He could talk about subjects he knew hardly anything about and used medical terms, you would expect from a physian, not from some-one who tried to earn a living as a photographer.

Apart from the personal “readings”, Edgar Cayce also made some global “prophesies”. In 1968, he predicted, Atlantis would rise in the Caribbean. In exactly that year the “Bimini Road” was discovered. A kind of underwater road, made of man-made stones. It was the start of an intensive search in this area and with success. Other roads are discovered, as are the remnants of monuments and stone circles. Of the coast of Cuba an underwater city was discovered, supposedly 15.000 years old. Evidence, that ancient cities, harbours and fortresses, had disappeared because of the rising seawater-levels after the last Ice Age. The Flood was a, global, reality. Near the North-West of India, the famous city of Krishna, Dworka, has been located at a depth of 120 meters. Atlantis is rising, like Edgar Cayce predicted. What other prohesies did he utter in his trance? Casey said that the pyramids and the Sphinx were much older, than was assumed in the 1940's. Recently a theory, was published, that Gizeh was about 10.000 years old. The Sphinx, so archeologists discovered, was weathered by water (rain); which placed this intriguing monument back in time, to a period when plenty of rain did fall in Egypt. Cayce also talked about the “Chamber of Wisdom”, which was dug out, between the two pawns of the Sphinx. In this “Chamber of Wisdom”, the Atlanteans stored their knowledge underground for future generations. They knew, that planet Earth would be hit by disaster. Some archeologists cannot wait to start digging, but the Egyptian government forbids all activity, even now that ground-penetrating radar, suggests that caves exist under the Sphinx (this is hardly a surprise. The whole Gizeh-complex, including the pyramids, is connected by underground tunnels.

So far, Casey's predictions are quite accurate, but there are more (horrifying) events to come. He predicted that the island of Japan, will sink into the sea. This is happening at this moment! All over Japan, water is bursting out of the ground.

The nuclear reactor at Fukusjima is slowly sinking. A collapse is possible, which would leed to a melt-down. We will possibly see another Tsjernobyl, in the nearby future. At this moment the situation in the Ukraine is not safe at all, as well. The nuclear reactor is surrounded and sealed of by an construct, about to collapse. The local government does not have the money (2 billion dollar), to do the necessary work. Overall Edgar Casey seems to be right at this prediction.

His last “prophesies” were about the destruction of North-East of the USA. Casey predicted hugh flooding and the down-fall of New York, which would be swallowed by the sea. A month ago, exactly this happened. It won't be the last one. The coastal regions are not protected enough and the frequency and intensity of these “renegade-storms” will rise. Both catastrophies (in the making) will leed to a refugee-problem of unprecedented scale. To make matterrs worse; “the sleeping prophet”, very accurate so far, mentions a coming economic collapse and the definite crash of the stockmarket. I get the strange feeling, that this mysterious American, was right all-the-way.

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