maandag 26 mei 2014

SiTU ACADEMY: lesson 5


The word “Hollywood” is derived from “holy wood”. It was the wood, where the druids cut their most perfect wands. They were especially suited for manipulation, enchantement and reaching hidden goals. That's what Hollywood movies do and the tell you so openly. The population accepts this. They prefer entertainment over education. Enlightenment means the liberation of thought. Government means the control of thought. That is, what governments do. They want to program you thoughts and action. All in the cause of peace, stability and the existing powerstructure.

Education is a pillar of this mindcontrol process. Hollywood being another. That's why a government wants to control education. In the programs the left-hand side of your brain is bombarded with information. This side of the brain, controlling your right side, is especially good in causal thinking, logic, mathematics and storing (random) data. The righthand side of your brain, controlling the left side of your body, is where your intuition resides, artistic expression, social values and language. This part of the brain is stimulated as less as possible. Left-hand writing was discouraged or simply forbidden. Why? Because it sets men free by breaking the rules, smashing paradigms and wanting to live their lives to the full.

The government, being the front for the World Elite, permits a few to express their possibilities as a painter, sculptur or musician. But they have to fit in the plan. When they become too popular or too rebellious, they are murdered. Diagnose: a drug overdose. Bob Marley was killed that way. He was too close and his message of freedom and human possibilities had to be stopped. As was smoking marihuana. Smoking pot liberates your rightside of the brain and breaks down the walls between the different parts of your brain. Their are more parts, than you can imagine. But I will go into that deeper in a later phase of your study at our Academy.Why are alcoholic beverages called spirits? Not that is brings you in a good mood. It means that spirits, the demons and remnants of the fallen angels can more easily control your mind. These interdimensional beings are the really powersource of the Elite. By keeping their bloodlines pure, they keep the wealth and power in the family and these hidden forces in power. The wars, that has devastated our planet and drenched it with blood, were merely rituals performed to keep humans down and satisfy their satanic overlords. Their final plan is in full progress. We are tumbling into chaos and the only saviour is our government. That's exactly, what they want. They create problems, manipulate the people and implement a New World Order and the ruling families can finally intervene.”


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