maandag 3 maart 2014


In 1989 the US. military had catalogued 57 aliens species. Most of them humanoid. (Disclosure Project).

Human beings from Earth (Terrans as ET's call us) are not  the only humans. In this universe many human civilizations co-exist, that are very advanced and spiritualized. Human kind originates from the Lyrae starsystem. During the Lyraen Wars, which lasted 600.000 years and in which many humans died, Lyrae was destroyed. After a Reptilian invasion Lyraen humans scattered around many star systems (Pleiades, Andromeda, Tau Ceti a.o.). Evolved in the light, and the high vibrations of love, unity and respect of the Universal Laws (f.i. the Law of Free Will, disregarded by other types of Ebe's). They exist multidimensionally. Humans created the Federation and other orginizations. They are concerned  about us and want us to join the galactic community. They are our true allies, unlike some other EBE's. They are very intelligent and benevolent humans, loving, spiritualized beings that follow the path of love, compassion and respect of nature. Humans are evolutive (as opposed to regression).
Their main focuses are:

-  raising human awareness
- promoting bio-diversity
- universal human rights
- understanding galactic history
- discovery of the human essence
- global education
- ending global secrecy of EBE's
- integrating spiritual values with advanced technologies
- exposing regressive EBE's subversion and control
- monitoring unfriendly EBE-activity
- challenging belief systems

They can show some specific features like the multicultural variety within the human race on Earth. They look very much like us. They could walk around (and they do) and you wouldn't notice. They guide us and help us with other EBE's manipulations of our free will. Other beings also are among us with other motives. Many are way ahead of us, like big brothers and sisters in the 4th, 5th and 9th dimensions. They have joined technology and spirituality. Telepathy, telekinese and time-travel are some of their activities; which humans have when awakened. They contact people and help us to be free from regressive EBE manipulations and secret shadow, military activities

Agent Joanna Dark (bewerking SiTU)

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