maandag 10 maart 2014


Of course, the story of the sword was a smokescreen. A civilization dependend from a sword? But I owned a swordc like that or will in the nearby future. But they just pass through my hands before I give them away or destroy them. But I hate swords. They give the bearer the illusion of power and disguise their vulnerability. But in the rightful hands a sword releases cosmic powers. And they did,

Who are they?

The Gods of course, the heroes, the All-Mighty spirits, angels and demonic entities, That's why I destroy swords, like that ancient Balinese kriss, full of dark powers and hatred for the “orang blanda”, the White man i.c. The Dutch.

Like I said, in the rightful hands. The “kukri” is the knife (!) of a Nepalese Gurkha. Made out of rusty carparts, the shape of a boomerang and big enough to cook an egg on it. They won the Falkland War, because the Argentinian soldiers ran for their lives (literally). But they die too. In the Himalayan mountains an old inn-keeper showed me his son's “kukri”. He died in battle, that's for sure.

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