zondag 11 november 2012

Unidentified Submerged Objects

The question is put forward, “Where are all the ufo's, when we don't see them flying around.” Are they stationed on the Moon or on giant space-motherships, we cannot detect?. Maybe the most plausible answer is: they dive into the ocean and disappear. An ufo and an uso (unidentified submerged object), are one and the same. Technically, there is not much difference, between a space-shuttle and a submarine.

Although water is covering most of our planet, when don't know much of the depths of the oceans. Almost weekly unknown sea-creatures are found or a complete eco-system, on the bottom of a 10 km. deep trench. But is there any evidence of the so-called “uso”. The first time, an uso is mentioned, is found in the logs of Christoffer Columbus. Shortly before reaching the America's in 1492, Colmbus and his crew saw several unidentified objects (firy balls, disc-shaped) coming out of the ocean and dive in again.

Even at this moment most “uso-sightings” occur around the island of Puerto Rico. But sightings appear in the North as well. The Norwegian Navy chased an submerged object for two weeks, before it disappeared without a trace. So did the Swedish Navy. In both cases, the official explination: a secret Soviet weapon.

But does the fact that, possibly, the ufo's and uso's are identical, help us any further in explaining the whole “alien” phenomenon. First of all, these flying saucers operate with intent and purpose. There must be something they want or need deep down, or high up in the skies.

Suppose, the inhabitants of the flying machines, live deep down in the earth-crust, which had entrances (portals) to the Inner Earth and its superior civilization. This concept is nothing new and since Jules Verne (an intriguing novellist) it is part of popular fiction. Admiral Byrd, supposedly flew into the “Hollow Earth” at an entrance near the North Pole. Here he was introduced to an enlightened (Atlantean) civilization, which Counsil of Elders, was very concerned about what happened at the surface (the atomic bombs). Shortly after WW2, the same admiral Byrd led a military expedition into Antarctica. The American ships and planes were attacked by “flying saucers”, that appeared in and out of the ocean. One destroyer was sunk and several planes shot down. Byrd retreated and back in the States, he warned the public for the threat, that would attack the USA, from Antarctica.

The Hollow Earth-theory has ancient roots and many names are given to it: Shambala, Aigarthe, Shangri La but also underworld, Abyss, Hades or Hell. I can imagine, that the inhabitants of this mysterious and unknown civilization (remnants of Atlantis?), are not happy, when the balance of the principle “as above, so below”, is disturbed and they feel the effects (explosions, war mentality, immorality, destruction, pollution and a probable extinction-course.) of our behavioor and actions.

I think, they first tried to warn us through shamans, mediums and channeling, but these messages were ridiculed, the ability to have spiritual contact denied and the message seen as “too obvious”! They flooded our world with knowledge and ancient codices and artifacts. This drew some attention, but everything that did not fit in the accepted timeline (4000 BC. Start of civilization in Sumer), was neglected and advocates of these “anomaly-theories” were kicked out of their jobs and their results became merely a foot-note. When this did not have the expected result, namely lifting the veil of mankind and entering a (new) dimensional level, which would have made contact with the Inner Earth possible.

So, what to do? Suppose the Counsil of Elders, finally listened to one entity, that had suggested to break down the walls and conquer the surface. Maybe, they made a deal with other entities, who had the technology to dig and to conquer. That's what the UFO's do. They transport the waste out of the inner earth, they collect essential minerals out of the sea, the air and the surface of the Moon and other planets. Many of the effects of climate change and global warming, the earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and land-slides are the result of drilling-activity “down under”. Sightings of Sasquatch, Yeti and all kinds of seamonsters, are in fact, creatures from below, taking a shortcut.

And what about the “BOING”? When studying the languages of whales and dolphins, scientists recorded a sound, that had its source more than 3 miles deep. After eliminating all posibilities, the only thing that remained was the sound of a giant sea-mamal, living deep in the ocean. But maby it was a USO?


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