maandag 30 september 2013


by Jian, tcm, SiTU


was a global problem

from the beginning!
Water gevonden op Mars
In de bodem van de planeet Mars blijkt water te zitten. De verkenner Curiosity heeft daar voor het eerst sporen van gevonden. Dat staat donderdag in het gezaghebbende wetenschapsblad Science.
„We weten nu dat er veel water op Mars moet zijn en dat het makkelijk te bereiken is. Als we mensen sturen, hoeven ze alleen wat grond op te graven. Als ze de bodem dan opwarmen, hebben ze water”, aldus hoofdonderzoekster Laurie Leshin.
In elke kilo Marsgrond zit ongeveer 20 gram water. Dat is ongeveer een tiende van de hoeveelheid water in de grond op aarde.
De ontdekking van water op Mars is bijzonder, maar komt niet helemaal als een verrassing. De Curiosity is bewust naar zijn werkplek gestuurd, een krater bij de evenaar van de planeet. Satellieten hadden gemeten dat daar mineralen in de grond zitten die alleen onder invloed van water kunnen ontstaan. Vorig jaar vond de verkenner kiezelstenen die lang geleden zouden zijn meegevoerd door het water van een beekje.
Water is een cruciale voorwaarde voor leven. Toch is dat nog niet gevonden op Mars.
Wel ontdekte de Curiosity dit jaar dat leven ooit mogelijk is geweest op Mars. In een rots werden namelijk sporen van de elementen zwavel, stikstof, waterstof, zuurstof, fosfor en koolstof gevonden. Dat zijn de bouwstenen van leven op aarde. Vermoedelijk hadden er in een ver verleden minieme organismen kunnen bestaan op Mars. De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA laat in het midden of die er ook echt zijn geweest.
De Curiosity is een rijdend scheikundelaboratorium, dat in november 2011 werd gelanceerd en in augustus vorig jaar op Mars landde. De verkenner woelt het oppervlak om, onderzoekt rotsen, meet gassen in de atmosfeer en neemt foto's. Het project heeft ongeveer 2 miljard dollar (1,6 miljard euro) gekost.
Whistleblower AREA 51 J-Rod Full Length Extended Cut! 2013 Watch Now =) [Video]
Whistleblower AREA 51 J-Rod Full Length Extended Cut! 2013 Watch Now =)


He played the music as loud as he dared. It was a song of calling. Earlier generations were programmed by this, and other songs, and it appealed to the rebel in man. And that was exactly what he needed. He, master Jian, had been back on his homeplanet, for a couple of months now. He was shocked by what he saw. In 1989 he had left the mainstream of this society, to undertake a journey into the darkness and beyond. That's when he had discovered and met those alien forces. With some he became friends, but most were sworn ennemies. The latter wanted to see a return of their investments. Earth had untill now been a cosmic laboratory, combined with a place to dump the worst and darkest minds of the cuniverse. But the experiment had gotten out of hand. Inspired and helped by alien intelligence mankind was now ready to conquer the planetary system. Technically they could do it and some did. The latter vanished during the excperiment. But the ambition was still their and when the governments would stop spending money on war and military equipment, the step into space would be easy.
Social engineers of the Empire had infiltrated the world governments and institutions to continue the current level of world warfare and terror. But even here, the military had developed weaponry which could hurt the military forces of the Empire as well. Things threatened to get to the worst and finally the Empire had decided to strip Earth from his resources, after which it could be turned in to the private huntinggrounds of the Emperor and his clique.
Why was our venture to get into space that dangerous? Humans would discover, that they were living in a solar system which was completely artificial and constructed by alien entities, which presence and activity would be clearly visible. Even on the moon, which was in fact an abandoned warfortress.

SiTU Panchen

zondag 29 september 2013

Ancient Abductions

Beyond Nazca

RESEARCH module 1:

Genesis is the first book of the Bible, or so they say.

The composition of the Bible varies over the centuries. Constantine the Great stimulated an official Bible, who would be used all over the Empire. The bishops at Nicea provided one. These manuscripts are lost in history and it is not untill the 9th and 10th century, that Bile-manuscripts survived untill now.

The Bible I use, contains an Old Testament (39 books, 1119 pages) and a New Testament (27 books, 322 pages).

The Bible, we use, is the result of a process of elimination. Existing “spiritual manuscripts”, in use by the early Christians, were left out and sometimes banned as heretical.

The Death Sea-scrolls (found shortly after WW2), the Nag Hamadi-library and other finds delivered original manuscripts, scrolls and even unknown gospels, which still have to find a place in theology and history.

Do some research and make another list of “biblical books”.

Documentaries and information on this subject can be found on a parallel-blog: The Journey Within

Jian, tcm, SiTU
module 1: Lilith
task: READ GENESIS carefully

If you read the Bible carefully, you notice, that Genesis contains two creation-stories. In the first one God creates man and woman (equally, simultaniously), from the earth. In Genesis 2, God first creates Adam, who gets bored and frustrated in the Garden of Eden. God hypnotizes him and while Adam is in a deep sleep, he takes a rib and from it creates Eve. This story is one of the biblical archetypes, that led to a, religiously legitimized, lifetime of obedience, submission and possible torture or even death, for women, all through history and all around the world, alThough it is not the only “haunting from the past”.

Judaism and early Christianity were a “literate” society and both produced a lot of scrolls, codexis and books. When finally the content and order of Bible were formalized, many books, gospels and apocalypses were left out. Some circulating books were called heretical and burned. In the last century many of those missing “sources” have been discovered. (Dead sea scrolls, Nag-Hamadi and recently discovered “sources”, hidden in monasteries from the Balkan, the Kaukasus to Ethiopia (the Book of Enoch).


LILITH (demonic)

Interesting details about Genesis can be discovered in this material. Eve was Adam's 2nd wife!

Adam's first wife was called Lilith, a woman created equal and with a mind of her own. Adam claims sexual dominance, but Lilith refuses to submit. Adam wants to force hinself unto his wife and she “calls God's secret and forbidden name” and disappeares into thin air. She does not leave paradise immediately. God sends three angels, to seduce her to return to Adam, but the 1st woman on earth, keeps saying no. God threatens to punish Lilith for her stubbordness. “Every day 100 children will die, because of you.” Lilith does not return to Adam.

Christian and Judaic “propaganda” have turned Adam's first wife in to a demonic and horrific entity. From the Middle Ages untill now, people wear amulets against her evil powers and intent. She tortures women during pregnancy and is kept responsable for the sudden death of a baby or child. Lilith also preys on young man, sleeping alone. By possessing their body and thoughts, she procurates with them. The name Lilith may sound unfamiliar to you, but you have used it many times during your lifetime. Lullaby literally stems from “Lilith abide”.
SOMEthing to think about

  • Wouldn't it be great if we actually found intelligent life on this planet?

zaterdag 28 september 2013


I get knocked down, but  i get up again. you never gonna keep me down."

" MASTER, why are you playing that song over and over again?"
" It  reminds me of the good times."
" The good times master, This song is about violence."
" Sometimes violence is an important tool."
" Who were you fighting, master. did you win the battle?"
" No, we lost in the end."
" Master, how long did the battle last?"
" From august till may."
" That's a long time, master?"
" You have to understand, that we are talking about football."
" Why now, master, are you honouring the past."
" No, my son, i am preparing for the future."

Ancient Aliens S05E08 Beyond Nazca

vrijdag 27 september 2013


" The operation has begun." Orlov repeated the sentence carefully. It was the best argument he had and even his opponent had in the end agreed with the goal of this galactic intervention. " So we were behind the erupting volcanoes on Java." Jian didn't sound surprised. The Impirial task-force was using equipment that was build by humans. The Alaska-stated HAARP-installation was pumping billions of volts into the stratosfeer. Created to manipulate the weather on the battlefield, the effects had totally gone beserk. Creating weatherchanges, earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. Still the experiments went on and the effects spread around the world creating total chaos. And that was only one of destructive experiments of the governing Elite, creating another Big Bang and a human cleansing. Had the point of no return not yet been reached or lay this phase behind them. And now the forces of the Empire had stepped in, to make things even worse.
" Commander, you must have heard stories about this sword." He pointed at the sword. " I would like to add a story to it." Some officers present grinned. That's why the Master had a nickname: the Crazy Monk. One reason of the name was, that even in dangerous situaties, the Master Jian was always telling stories, reciting poetry or singing songs.
Orlov's attention had been drawn and he nodded. As if he was presenting a Roman legion the Crazy Monk rose again. " My name is Jian, I am human. This sword's name is named Jian, it bears the essence of this human world and once played an enormous role when our world began.. It is mine by descend and by conquest. But it is broken. In this state his power is fragmented and chaotic."  The dominant figure paused. " I know a way to heal this sword. On this planet lives the only craftsman, who can restore the sword and its power." The Master paused again, drawing every-one's attention, he smiled inwardly. " How easy they could be fooled". He turned his head to commander Orlov. " I ask permission to organize a searchparty to find this craftsmen or the necessary technique, before itr is too late and the harvesting of Earth has begun."
This all seemed innocent enough, Orlov thought, but the Master was known for complicated intriques and was a recognized conspiracy-expert. Plans behind plans. But he accepted the importance of the sword for the master, who was about to loose his homeplanet. " If there is no interference with our plans," He looked up at the Master, which made him feel uncomfortable, who shook his head, " Than I grant you permission for a small searchteam." The Master smiled. " You won't be disappointed. This sword will change my destiny and of my home-planet's future." That last remark made Orlov uneasy, but Jian being away, did mean a lot less potential  turbulence on the mothership. " Meeting closed." , Orlov said. He too knew what his future would bring.  

woensdag 25 september 2013

The Gold Of The Ancien Aliens:Collection Father Crespi-And Ica Stones.Cueva De Los Tayos [Video]
Al Bielek - YEARS 2137 2749 [Video]

SiTU MEMO 7: The broken sword

" Master, please sit down." Orlov ordered the rest of the staff to take their seats too. He especially had used the title Master. It meant that he was just a guest and scientific adviser and that he had no political or military task. Without hesitation the master sat down, while putting the sword in front of him. The silence thickened and the guards at the door movede uneasily, waiting for a Orlov's sign to intervene.
Some say he gave the sword his own name, others that he adopted the sword's name. Orlov looked at the famous sword in front of him. It really existed or whas it a fake. "Master Jian, you know that it is forbidden to take weapons to a meeting like this. His opponent nodded. " Commander, this is not a weapon, yet." He drew the sword and it fell in pieces on the desk. Orlov had not the faintest idea, where Master Jian was heading. He never had been that interested in history and mythology. Which made him, in his own eyes and the eyes of the Empire, an efficient and competent soldier.
The way he had presented the sword immediately draw the attention of crewmembers. " They love weapons, expecially ancient ones.", he thought and said, " Commander, this sword has a story to tell." Orlov shrugged his shoulders. " We are past the phase of storytelling, master Jian, the harvvesting operation has begun and there is no way stopping it." " Commander, that's what von Moltke said to the Kaiser, when he wanted to stop World War 1 on this planet “The trains are moving, there is no way to stop them. There is always a chance and there is always hope. Even for my people, though they have made a big mess of this world. Commander this sword carries a story and a power, that could save humankind."

dinsdag 24 september 2013


" I ask permission to speak." The meeting fell silent and every-one focussed on commander Orlov. He obviously enjoyed the attention and stared at his opponent. Though seated, he looked a tall and strong individual. He was completely bald and wore the simple black dress of a revolutionary kommissar. He wore no juwelery or battle-insignia, except a simple seven-pointed star. His way of saying that he obeyed the Mother-Goddess.
Orlov hesitated. Giving him room to move meant trouble. The commander new of his ancestry. The inhabitants of this planet were his people. Which made his participation in this delicate mission a potential problem. It was known, and by some even accepted, that he would fight till the end to save his planet.
" Commander, I do ask permission to speak." While saying that he rose. Revealing not only he was extremely tall and muscular, but that he was carrying a jian on his hip. The crew hissed, when they saw this. It was totally illegal to posess a weapon like that, let alone bringing it to a meeting like this.

maandag 23 september 2013

SOMEthing to think about

Jian, tcm, SiTU

If reality is infinite,

everything is possible.

A monkey could type

the clomplete works of

William Shakespeare.


Reality is finite.


" I ask permission to speak."

The meeting fell silent. Commander Orlov awoke from a silent slumber. All reports had been well. The planet was about to selfdestruct. The dominant human species were hopelessly drifting towards total destruction. There was hardly any effect, when completing the operation, measurable on futute timeframes. The people were that desperate, that they were awaiting destruction. Hoping to be killed in some kind of disaster. Totally ignoring that they were totally following an, implanted, deathwish. People were living their life, if everyday was their last. And they werre right, even though they had no idea how terrible their fate would be. A quick death was a blessing, for them all. But this was impossible. Some humans were precious, to precious to waste. Their genes, ferocity, manpower and sexual distraction were in high demand. The slavetraders would be the first to move in.

" I ask permission to speak." Orlov knew immediately, who had disrupted the beautiful harmony of this meeting. It was the only Earthling , he knew of, whio had fought his way into the Imperial hierarchy being the legitimate heir to this solar system. He wore simple black clothes, with a seven-pointed star; a provocation Orlov thougnt, on his chest.


Een volgeling loopt

achter de feiten aan.

dM, SiTU

ScienceCasts: An Early Start for Noctilucent Clouds

zondag 22 september 2013


" Master, they say that a Second Sun will appear in the skies, announcing the coming of a World Teacher.    His name is Maitreya."
" That's a false Maitreya, an ingenious, well-prepared fake."
" Master, how do you know that. Why are you so sure?"
" Because I am the real World Teacher."
" Master, why do you keep silent. Why don't you reveal this imposter."
" I am not silent; people don't hear me."
" Master. why don't you stop communicating. They don't understand and dislike your words."
" I cannot. I was programmed that way."

SOMEthing to think about

Improve your skills, knowledge and capabilities.

These are the best tools

to survive the coming economic/financial collapse.

dM, SiTU


Walking is healthier than running.

dM, SiTU
Bye bye Big Bang! Kosmos niet ontstaan door Oerknal
Bye bye Big Bang! Kosmos niet ontstaan door Oerknal Vergeet wat u geleerd hebt op school: het universum is niet ontstaan door de Oerknal.

zaterdag 21 september 2013



Meanwhile in the motherchip the commander and his staff gathered for a final meeting. Countdown for Operation Harvest had begun. While everybody waited until the commander had occupied his chair, every entity present in the room checked their latest data.

Commander Orlov, was a wellrespected captain in the Imperial Fleet. Though he was not the right man for the job, Central Comand had put him in charge. He knew that he could only proof himself or fail. The Handbook for Alien Contact would be his guideline. In the end it would all be simple. The planet Earth had to be harvested. It meant that the whole planet, including its inhabitants, should be stripped for use elsewhere in the Empire. When this was done, the remnants would be left to the Aliens and adventurers, who wouild turn it into a place never to be heard from again and removed of the Galactic Map. Though he looked human, Orlov had no geneticval connection what-so-ever with the human inhabitants of this planet. He didn't care at all for his look-a-likes. Just the Imperial Timeline would be his guide. It meant that about 2014 the covert operations could be started, finishing the job in 2021.

He had carefully chosen his officers, which had resulted in a diverse crew, resulting in minimal personal contact. That was the way he liked, that was the way to run a ship.
The Mystery Of The Jade Discs [Video]
The Illuminati Vs Unseenseven [Video]
The Illuminati vs Unseenseven
New Photo of Voyager in Interstellar Space as Seen from Earth ...
New Photo of Voyager in Interstellar Space as Seen from Earth.

A giant spaceship was approaching Earth, hiding behind our sun. While coming closer it could easily been seen, especially at sunset. In the nearby future the worldgovernmwent, the ruling elite, would announce the arrival of a, previously unknown, comet. A natural phenomena happening every twentysixthousand years or so. The arrival would even be welcomed, because it seems to soften the natural catastrophes, which terrorized mankind. Planet X they would name it, Niburu or the New Star. Its arrival would be welcomed as if the phenomenon was the announcement of the returning of the Christ.
Almost nobody was told, that the comet was in fact an Imperial spaceship, witch multiple crew, even containing some human species, had only one goal in mind. Capturing and harvesting Earth and destroy most of humankind. Exploration by the Imperial spaceship had begun and while the elite-units, who would make the first contacts on this doomed planet went into a learning-trance; communicationexperts analyzed the transmissions and datatransport on Earth and slowly worked their way in.

In the Cairo-museum the mummified body of the Great Rameses, moved.
DMT Animation - Calling The Others [Video]DMT Animation - Calling The Others

Mysterious UFO footage stumps meteorologist on live TV - Spacing Out! E...

vrijdag 20 september 2013


I am trying to create a vortex. This asks for a lot of preparation.
First I have to condens and filter the flow of information in present space-time before I can connect to major energyflows which are part of the worldwide grid and beyond. We are part of bigger cycles, than you can imagine. Energy is information and this leads to knowledge and therefore power. Two-dimensional thinking and manipulation has made these techniques obscure and occult, which means hidden. This all was part of dumbing down mankind, while these ancient traditions were used by the Elite. Combined with alien technology they will be able to project Jesus Christ in the skies over Jerusalem, as a hologram.
These options were called project “Blue Beam”. They, the experts in the USA and other super-powers were f.i. able to let 20.000 footballfans watch a game, while no real players were present. Only holographic projections. Afterwards both sides thought, that they had won the game. But all the (global) corporations and the government use these techniques and developments as well. There are more drones penetrating our airspace, than you think. Not all are alien or friendly.
But that was entertainment. Something to entertain the masses. The real stuff was training soldiers, astronauts, spies and assassins in a realistic virtual world. They, as Special Forces were programmed to believe that they were the best and to be ready to take over the world by destroying the enemy. The global “enemies” all formed their hitsquads and elite-military units.

I know it works. The vortex I mean. In the last months more and more birds visited the area. Passed over or circled over my head. The Law of Attraction. Birds are messengers from above. Strangely enough no ones seems to notice this teeming birdlife and the numerous butterflies. When a vortex starts getting active, things change before your eyes. This is called synchronicity.
I have activated an old hotspot, which was buried in the Flood and which was part of the Atlantean Empire. Atlantis combined high technologies, spiritual wisdom and artistic inspiration. It was a beautiful world. For the few. Mankind was used as a kind of slave-race and through genetic manipulation certain groups of people were created, which were best equiped to perform certain tasks to maintain Paradise or Eden.
Modern day scientists and politicians are talking about the safety of nuclear plants. They are literally as safe as hell. No-one can make promises, which last thousands of years. The Japanese powerplant was save enough, still things went horribly wrong. It could be the beginning of an continuous flow of radio-activity into the sea.
The same was the case in Atlantis. The over-organised society only serving the few, was doomed from the beginning. Even though it lasted thousands of years, the End was total destruction. Vortexes played an important role in the Fall of Earth's first Empire.

zondag 15 september 2013

zaterdag 14 september 2013



Hidden in plain sight

The Celtic Druids, the sjamanic and spiritual leaders of Brittany and the ruling “gaelic” tribes used in their rural magick wants.

They were made out of wood, that was harvested in the “holy woods”.

The best wants gave the druids enormous power over people. They were used to invoke mass hysteria, super powers, mass-manipulation and religious devotion. Druids could turn themselves invisible, they were masters of deception and Roman sources indicate, that they could fly.

Druids drove their tribal warriors “en masse” onto the Roman legions, in a manic state of fearlesness.

The Romans hated the Druids and around 60 ad the druids lost their final battle and were wiped of the earth. The Romans burned down the “holy woods”.

Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU

God vs Satan: the final Battle

zondag 8 september 2013


Watering a plant, feeding the birds or your pets is a life-giving act, which should be performed with the utmost attention, care and love.

The powers of nature will answer.

dM, SiTU

zaterdag 7 september 2013

The Scariest and Deadliest Moments in Space History

The Soviet leadership’s attitude toward the pioneering cosmonauts and engineers as well as the facilities and the equipment was that everything was expendable in the all out effort to stay ahead of the Americans. As an example, revealed state archives indicate that in October 1960, a huge new booster rocket malfunctioned on the launch pad. Instead of taking safety precautions, the Kremlin ordered the launch director and engineers to fix the problem immediately and get the rocket launched that day.


Don Quixote of the Jungle

817,000 indigenous people live in Brazil, 0.4 percent of this country’s population, and they’re endangered. When the white man arrived in Brazil in the year 1500, there were six million native people living here. What has happened since then? For the moment, our admirable and beloved Zoe, have been saved. But it takes someone other than themselves to cushion the blow of contact with our cruel and developed world, which has done so much damage to other tribes of the rainforest and their world.

The summer of Bob Lazar - Spacing Out! Ep 58

vrijdag 6 september 2013

zondag 1 september 2013

Magmatisch water ontdekt op het Maanoppervlak Geschreven door 
De centrale berg in de krater Bullialdus De centrale berg in de krater BullialdusFoto: NASA
Wetenschappers hebben met behulp van een Amerikaans instrument aan boord van de Indiase Maanverkenner Chandrayaan-1 zogeheten 'magmatisch water' ontdekt aan het oppervlak van de Maan. De ontdekking vond plaats in gesteenten van de centrale berg van de krater Bullialdus die zich in de buurt van de evenaar van de Maan bevindt.
Deze belangrijke ontdekking is gebaseerd op basis van metingen die in 2009 werden verricht met het Amerikaanse instrument Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3). Dit instrument onderzocht de centrale berg van de krater Bullialdus die een diameter heeft van 61 kilometer. Deze centrale piek bestaat uit materiaal dat afkomstig is van het binnenste van de Maan en naar het oppervlak is geraakt als gevolg van een inslag van een groot object. Dankzij de metingen van het Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) instrument heeft men kunnen achterhalen dat er zich aan het oppervlak van de centrale berg van de krater Bullialdus veel meer hydroxylmoleculen bevinden dan in de omgeving er rond. Voor wetenschappers is deze ontdekking zeer belangrijk. Zo is dit de eerste keer dat een ruimtesonde aanwijzingen heeft gevonden voor het bestaan van magmatisch water en heeft men nu eindelijk ook een bewijs dat de rotsen op de Maan weldegelijk water bevatten. De in 2008 gelanceerde Indiase Chandrayaan-1 ruimtesonde vond eerder ook al sporen van water bij de poolgebieden van de Maan maar dit water zou afkomstig zijn van de invloed van de zonnewind op het Maanoppervlak. Onderzoek naar het bestaan en de verdeling van magmatisch water op de Maan kan zeer nuttige informatie opleveren over het ontstaan en de vroege evolutie van onze 'trouwe buur'.
Zijn we allen afkomstig van Mars?
Volgens een nieuwe Amerikaanse studie bestaat de kans dat het leven op Aarde eigenlijk ontstaan is op Mars en dat het op meteorieten de oversteek naar onze planeet heeft gemaakt. Zijn we allen afkomstig van Mars?
8,000 Indians queue up for one-way trip to Mars: Over 8,000 Indians have so far signed up for the one-way trip to Mars and settle down on...