dinsdag 31 juli 2012
What do I see? I'll describe the view from my study. It's quite idyllic. In front of me an old defensive canal. My present “hometown” was an important marine and naval port and it was heavily fortified. Most of it has disappeared, but on my left. The place, where the canons stood, is still to be seen. To left is an important sluice, which connects the sea with the Frisian waterways. Many ships pass by.
Opposite my study is a grave-yard, which means big trees. The last remains of a period, in which Europe was a colossal forest and a monkey could travel from Moscow to England, without touching the ground. Which they actually did.
In ancient tribal culture forests were used as holy places, places of gathering and judgment. Not far from here, there once was a place like that. Dominated by hugh trees, waterways and a beautiful landscape, full of life.
That's all gone now. The christian missionaries cut down the holy trees, to build a (wooden) church on the same place. They knew the power of those places, but kept it a secret. In South-America cathedrals have been built on top of pyramids and they used the ancient stones.
Power points (like Stonehenge, the Borubudur and Angkor Wat) are places where energy flows meet. When using the right time and ritual, mysterious things happen. Energy follows a straight course, and that is why these so called “ley-lines” are straight and global. You can test this by connecting the churches in your neighborhood and see what happens. From “the Dome”, our oldest church it's easy to connect 5 to 6 churches in a straight line. (officially built in 777, and so being the oldest christian church in the region. But don't trust the numbers). 777 is a “power-number”, with many symbolic (christian) meaning (7 days of Creation). My home town became officially a city, in the year 1234. This is a “power-number” too. So I doubt the chronicles. The local government ignored this important historical fact. Strangely enough, because they could celebrate the 777 year old city in 2011.
We are conditioned to follow straight lines. That's how we build at the moment, that's how we count and that's how we live. On a collision course. There are other ways, you know. Waterway for instance. They meander to a single point (SO IT SEEMS).
maandag 30 juli 2012
Like I said, the anti-terrorist surveillance tactics are here to stay. After the Olympics Big Brother takes its place. Total costs: 1.6 billion dollars. These are official figures, so you can double it. Thousands of military are diploid in the streets, anti-aircraft missiles on civilian roofs and 500 FBI-agents, who join the fun. They are here to stay too.
The security is based on possibilities, not on a real life scenario. It is possible to high jack a commercial plane and fly it into Buckingham Palace. You cannot dispute that, because it happened before. But like I said. The officials and representatives are quite safe, in that respect. Biological warfare and the start of a pandemic are possibilities as well. Civilians, military and civil servants are trained for the future. A future after the collapse and destruction, in which biological warfare is a strategic tool. But this process is going on for centuries. Our food, our beverages, our drinking water and the air we breath, are deliberately poisoned. In the USA an ingredient used in fast-food makes you feel hungry; hungry for more. Fluoride was added to our drinking, because it was better for your teeth. Research has recently shown, that fluoride is a mind-altering drug. It makes you depressive and passive. That's exactly what the government wants.
But your mind is poisoned as well. The proclamation of global unity through sports, while on all continents, people suffer and die. The Olympics are a distraction from the economic and financial collapse, that is showing itself and will result in a global meltdown.
Free yourself from mental slavery; Like Bob Marley said. Look at the games for what they are; the last of this sort of mass manifestations.
zondag 29 juli 2012
king KONG
You think, where is this heading. Well so do I. I could go on for ever and ever, so it is better to stop.
I have created enough fata morgana's and distraction, so I can give my directions more directly. Our network is world-wide now and is the next step to connect with global flow of consciousness, that is in the air. This means more overt action and taking positions. Change comes from deep down and it will change you in that way. Start living in a “survival”-mode. Try to buy local and live simple. RESERVE ONE HOUR A DAY FOR STUDY/MEDITATION.
Start asking questions, write letters and make compliments for a change. Be critical when deluded. Everything is connected and that may seem confusing. Which it is not. You have to level your thoughts and transform them in to data-levels. Statistics cannot be compared to poetry. Try to operate on 4 levels, not on 4 screens. Live cannot be expressed in numbers, without destroying it. We build enormous costly machines (several) manned with dozens of crazy professors, to collide positrons to find the “God-particle”. They now called it “the Higgs Boson for p.r.-reasons (Vatican!). This elusive boson is responsible for our material universe. The strange thing happened, that while researching matter, it seemed to consist of almost nothing. But a wall was massive. The Higgs-boson gives energy mass. What happens hen the succeed, will the predictability in our cosmos slowly disappear. Like the Big Bang, the Higg's boson are just necessary parts of our cosmology. Without it, we would not exist. These are “dead-end streets”. There was no Big Bang, black holes don't exist, the stars are just tendencies to exist and there was a Flood (several to be precise). Mass, space and time will be part of our lives in a different way. Mass, when treated well flourishes. I treat my plants well and feed the birds. Mass: flowers, plants, butterflies, birds and insects start interacting, growing and spreading. This process you can start with only two square feet. Start today and it will be a blessing for you into eternity.
Start communicating (there are many sympathizers, the hour is coming near) and spread this site. There is more to come.
START OPERATION: king KONG (generated by SiTU Brain Ext.)
zaterdag 28 juli 2012
Gebruik ADHD-medicatie ook vorig jaar weer gestegen

Het gebruik van ADHD-medicatie in Nederland blijft toenemen. Foto Hollandse Hoogte / Flip Franssen;door Pim van den Dool
Nederlandse apotheken hebben vorig jaar veel vaker een medicijn tegen ADHD uitgegeven dan in het jaar ervoor. Zo’n tweehonderdduizend mensen kregen medicijnen tegen de hyperactiviteitsstoornis, veertien procent meer dan in 2010, blijkt uit cijfers van de Stichting Farmaceutische Kengetallen.
Zes jaar geleden was het aantal gebruikers van ADHD-medicatie nog zeventigduizend. Voor dit jaar wordt opnieuw een stijging verwacht. Op basis van de cijfers over in het eerste halfjaar verstrekte medicijnen is berekend dat het om een stijging van ongeveer tien procent zal gaan.Verreweg de meeste gebruikers krijgen Ritalin of een aanverwant middel. Vorig jaar werden de pillen aan 186 duizend mensen verstrekt.
Kinderartsen en psychiaters onderzoeken of het medicijngebruik tegen ADHD omlaag kan worden geschroefd. Demissionair staatssecretaris van Volksgezondheid Marlies Veldhuijzen van Zanten (CDA) zei vorige maand op basis van het onderzoek stappen te willen ondernemen.
vrijdag 27 juli 2012
It was no coincidence, that the miniseries “The Diplomat” was aired just before the “Grand Opening” of the London Olympics. It's all about a nuclear suit-case bomb to be sold to the terrorists. In the end “the Diplomat” commits suicide by exploding the bomb. Fortunately the helicopter he is in, flies over sea and the wind will blow the particles over the horizon (to Indonesia?). On the internet doomsday scenario's circulate about terrorist attacks, suicide bombers and even dirty bombs being exploded during the Games. Security is extremely tight and London is full of camera's. I don't know what to think about this. I think it will be possible that some kind of terror-act will happen. The world is filled with youngsters, male and female, who are willing to blow themselves up. Our war on terror has forced our “enemies” to organize themselves. And they did. Their intelligence and communication is as sophisticated, as the CIA control Centre. During the Mumbai-attack the suicide-squad had a direct line to the headquarters in Pakistan. There they followed the Indian news channels and CNN. That's how they learned, who were inside. When in doubt, they used the internet to check a name or picture. One of India's billionaires was recognized in this way and the terrorists were ordered to shoot him. And they did. The attackers had mobile phones and used blackberries to find their way in the Taj Mahal-hotel in Mumbai.
I think that the London Olympics is a rehearsal. A rehearsal for the future World Sports Games as global mass entertainment (and manipulation) and a training-exercise; a training to act professionally and adequately when the systems collapse, martial law is declared and we, the people, are welcomed to a brave new world.
THIS IS A WAKE-UP CALL: codename king KONG.
dinsdag 24 juli 2012
zaterdag 21 juli 2012
Dader aanslag Bulgarije gebruikte 3 kilo TNT
Bewerkt door: Redactie −20/07/12, 22:41 − bron: ANP/AFP
De dader van de zelfmoordaanslag op een bus in Bulgarije waardoor woensdag vijf Israëlische toeristen omkwamen, had een bom van 3 kilo TNT. Dat heeft de Bulgaarse regering vandaag bekendgemaakt.
TNT (ook trotyl genoemd) zit onder meer in militaire bommen en wordt vaak gebruikt bij aanslagen door militanten.Bij de aanslag kwamen ook de dader en de Bulgaarse buschauffeur om. Een Israëlische toeriste die omkwam, was zwanger.
vrijdag 20 juli 2012
Indian scientists try to crack monsoon source code
Indian scientists try to crack monsoon source code:
Scientists aided by supercomputers are trying to unravel one of Mother Nature's biggest mysteries -- the vagaries of the summer monsoon rains that bring life, and sometimes death, to the country every year.
Scientists aided by supercomputers are trying to unravel one of Mother Nature's biggest mysteries -- the vagaries of the summer monsoon rains that bring life, and sometimes death, to the country every year.

US gunman kills 12 at Batman movie screening
US gunman kills 12 at Batman movie screening:
Police said the gunman had appeared at the front of the theater during the movie and released a canister which let out a hissing sgunfire eruptedound before .
Police said the gunman had appeared at the front of the theater during the movie and released a canister which let out a hissing sgunfire eruptedound before .
Van praktijk naar publieke actie: niet-vasten tijdens de vasten
by martijn on July 19, 2012 · 0 comments

'Wat heeft de PVV met het Afrikaans?'
Door: OPINIE - Gerrit Dusseldorp −

© anp. Een Oranje-supporter kijkt tijdens het WK 2010 vanaf de Tafelberg naar het Greenpoint-stadion in Kaapstad.
De PVV wil het Afrikaans beschermen, zo blijkt uit het verkiezingsprogramma van de partij. Gerrit Dusseldorp vraagt zich af waarom. 'Is het slechts een chauvinistische frase, waarmee men aandacht wil schenken aan de VOC-mentaliteit - kennelijk populair bij politici?'
Demonstratie Madrid met geweld beëindigd
MADRID - De oproerpolitie in Madrid heeft in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag hard ingegrepen om een grote groep demonstranten uit elkaar te drijven. Daarbij is volgens ooggetuigen met rubberkogels geschoten en met wapenstokken geslagen. Zes mensen raakten daarbij gewond, terwijl zeven betogers werden opgepakt.

donderdag 19 juli 2012
woensdag 18 juli 2012
dinsdag 17 juli 2012
Uitspraak in proces tattookillers
De rechtbank in Amsterdam doet woensdag uitspraak tegen de zogenoemde tattookillers, die worden verdacht van een liquidatiepoging op de Amsterdamse crimineel Marlon Dalfour in 2009. De vier verdachten, onder wie twee broers, danken hun bijnaam aan de grote tatoeage op hun rug. Het Openbaar Ministerie eiste eerder celstraffen van dertien en vijftien jaar tegen de mannen.
Grote brand in gemeentehuis Waalre na ‘doelbewuste aanslag’

De brand in het gemeentehuis onstond vannacht rond 3.00 uur. Het lijkt een doelbewuste aanslag te zijn geweest.
Foto Brabants Dagblad / Rob van den Broek: geschreven door Peter Zantingh
Het gemeentehuis van Waalre, in Noord-Brabant net onder Eindhoven, staat sinds vannacht in de brand. Kort na 3.00 uur zouden twee personenauto’s tegen het pand zijn aangereden, waarna de brand uitbrak. De politie gaat uit van opzet.
But let's return to the here and now. It's 6 o'clock in the morning and my view is excellent: no people and no cars, yet. Since I live here, I wanted to change my garden into a little paradise for birds. A fence for protection, some fast growing plants to hide, water and regular feeding. Every morning I welcome some 80 or 90 birds, who come here, from all over town to have breakfast.
I am especially proud about “my” sparrow colony. Officially this seemingly insignificant bird is threatened. There used to be millions, but their numbers are diminishing. By feeding them especially, they survive the winter and their numbers are growing, I count 40 or 50 now, and it's not even August yet. The diversity is limited though: crows and pigeons (3 types).
In the presence of your enemy, you can test and develop your tolerance, the Buddha said. Jesus said to turn the other cheek, when some-one purposely hits you. Nicely said, but we live in days, when you turn your other cheek, they kill you.
I am tested right now. A couple of years ago new neighbors came to live next door. It was trouble from day one. After a while he even physically tried to attack me. When he walkes by (or drives by), he stares at us (the evil eye) as if we were some kind of dirt. That's what we are, in his eyes. He interpreters the fact that I spend most of my time at home, by stereotypes of lazy parasites and being to apathic to work for a living. Never mind. I ignore him, which drives him crazy.
But now he has taken new action by smearing glu on my fence and attaching fishing lines to hinder the birds. I removed the glu, cleared and since then nothing happened. But I am on my “qui-vive”. Gautama was right. This is a test. I have to find a subtle way to defend my birds and our paradise garden. And our dogs of course.
maandag 16 juli 2012
BBC Film That Exposed Israel's Secret Illegal Nuclear

Geplaatst door Situ Harns op 22:25
The Silent Revolution of Truth


47 students caned for reporting midday meal delay
47 students caned for reporting midday meal delay:
As many as 47 students of a govt primary school were allegedly beaten up by their woman teacher for raising voice against delay in getting midday meals.
As many as 47 students of a govt primary school were allegedly beaten up by their woman teacher for raising voice against delay in getting midday meals.
zaterdag 14 juli 2012
vrijdag 13 juli 2012
donderdag 12 juli 2012
The two pictures, that surfaced recently, showing an execution and it's result, resulted in a heavy debate. All forms of denial are uttered. Some hypocrites suggested, that locals were responsible for the killing. They immediately remove the context. On a higher level, everybody accepts it, but you when see your neighbor pulling the trigger to shoot some-one, from behind, in a ditch. Worse even, this whole colonial restoration after World War 2, was planned and executed by the queen, Wilhelmina, entrepreneurs and the military. They should have known better, but they did not. This makes them responsible and if it happened in this century, the people responsible would be put to trial. In “The Hague” of all places. But atrocities don't fade away and they grow, instead of disappearing. The loyalty of some groups, like the Moluccans and the Papua.s, is exploited till this day. The pain is still felt and will grow over the generations. But we neglect this and the government c.s. wants to keep it this way. But like I said before. Everything will be revealed and we will have to deal with it. What is we don't? The result will be an apocalyptic scenario, where millions will starve to death, while other areas will be devastated by earthquakes or flooding. War will break out over tiny islands or minute border-differences. The economy and social security will be shaken. But remember: the world around us, mirrors us. It reacts to our actions, to our emotions and our goals. It also reacts to the ways we try to obtain them. We live in the Kali Yuga; materialistic, rational and mainly acting by way of explosions. Matter and live don't like that. In the Bible, NT, an age of knowledge is prophesied, laying the base for a spiritual quantum-jump. This development we also see with animals. You better not feed your dog, from the tree of knowledge. It may suddenly realize, how we treat their fellow-animals. Your pet may attack you.
woensdag 11 juli 2012
Calls to Destroy Egypt's Great Pyramids Begin
July 10, 2012 - According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt's Great Pyramids--or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi'i, those "symbols of paganism," which Egypt's Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain's "Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs" and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt's new president, Muhammad Morsi, to "destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not."
This is a reference to the Muslim Prophet Muhammad's companion, Amr bin al-As and his Arabian tribesmen, who invaded and conquered Egypt circa 641. Under al-As and subsequent Muslim rule, many Egyptian antiquities were destroyed as relics of infidelity. While most Western academics argue otherwise, according to early Muslim writers, the great Library of Alexandria itself--deemed a repository of pagan knowledge contradicting the Koran--was destroyed under bin al-As's reign and in compliance with Caliph Omar's command.
July 10, 2012 - According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt's Great Pyramids--or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi'i, those "symbols of paganism," which Egypt's Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain's "Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs" and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt's new president, Muhammad Morsi, to "destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not."
This is a reference to the Muslim Prophet Muhammad's companion, Amr bin al-As and his Arabian tribesmen, who invaded and conquered Egypt circa 641. Under al-As and subsequent Muslim rule, many Egyptian antiquities were destroyed as relics of infidelity. While most Western academics argue otherwise, according to early Muslim writers, the great Library of Alexandria itself--deemed a repository of pagan knowledge contradicting the Koran--was destroyed under bin al-As's reign and in compliance with Caliph Omar's command.
dinsdag 10 juli 2012
A feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society.
This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical life ground attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a Resource-Based Economy.
Following on from Zeitgeist: The Movie, Zeitgeist: Addendum, Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide, Moving Forward reinforces and clarifies the information presented in those films.
It is done so in a crystal clear fashion beginning with an examination of the conditioning that shapes our behavior, moving on to the failures of the monetary/market system, it’s resultant socio-economic collapse and finally, the transition into a resource based economy for the betterment of humankind. (if we survive)
Questions that may have remained following addendum are addressed and i find it hard to believe that people could attempt to “debunk” the ideas presented in this film. That would be akin to attempting to debunk science itself.

We are in the grip of an allergy epidemic. 50 years ago one in 30 were affected, but in Britain today it is closer to one in three.
We are in the grip of an allergy epidemic. 50 years ago one in 30 were affected, but in Britain today it is closer to one in three.
Why this should be is one of
modern medicine’s greatest puzzles.
In search of answers, Horizon
travels round the globe, from the remotest inhabited island to the polluted
centres of California and the UK.
We meet sufferers and the
scientists who have dedicated their lives trying to answer the mystery of why we
are becoming allergic to our world.
maandag 9 juli 2012
These “letters” I write to you, I call “one-breath”. That's how long it takes to write them down.. It's a form of “warming-up” by association and focusing. I only use “first impressions” and factuals. It's meant to trigger YOU. You have several possibilities inside of you, of which you only use (n)one. This makes you vulnerable, because other parties in your life (government, police, military, intelligence) do. They have all the means to kill anybody by “natural death”, collateral damage in military action, planned epidemics as incident and genocide as the result of “the survival of the fittest”. Darwin's contribution to legitimize the English Empire.But there are more subtle ways to control your citizens and study the enemy.
The US military are using mediums, telepathists and channelers to spy on their own population. So does the police. Most of the time the results of the policy come from a colossal amount of data about our behavior and kooks. Because men is (made) very predictible, it is easy to find anomalies. It's extremely difficult to use an alias, to avoid camera;s, registrationforms and shops. Your footprint is clearly visible. But this is one side of the medal. People who live differently, have other ideas and ideals are immediately recognized, monitored and infiltrated.
The Elite has a great interest in sustaining their privileged position. Education is monopolized and standardized, so is religion. Bankers and the super-rich own the food-chain, the media, the natural parks, the war-industry and the world-economic powers. To make you accept this, they offer you a meager view on the world and reward you for accepting this. Homeopathic medicine is now ruled out in this country. Science shows no evidence for curing effects. Homeopathic medicine works if you live “homeopathic” and these holistic possibilities are completely ignored by science and medicine. But science has other goals. It wants to destroy every other way of handling reality and so we are in the hands of money-greedy C.E.O's, stockholders and money-providers. The same happens in religion. On the one hand church-doctrine tightens, while all kind of cults and sects appear and flourish.
Ryanair zegt nee
Luchtvaartmaatschappij Ryanair heeft een kankerpatiënt tijdens een vlucht een glas water geweigerd. Het ging om discolegende Nile Rodgers, bekend van hits met de groep Chic. Hij wilde water om zijn medicijnen in te nemen, maar omdat zijn creditcard het niet deed, weigerde het personeel hem water te serveren.zondag 8 juli 2012
vrijdag 6 juli 2012
woensdag 4 juli 2012
Formulier voor aanvraag subsidie zonnepanelen
Mensen die een subsidie willen aanvragen voor nieuwe zonnepanelen kunnen tijdelijk een formulier downloaden en die per e-mail of post indienen. De maatregel is genomen, omdat de website via welke de aanvragen moeten worden gedaan zeer slecht bereikbaar is, meldt verantwoordelijke voor de subsidieverlening Agentschap NL.
Sinds maandag is een nieuwe subsidieregeling voor de aanschaf van zonnepalen van kracht. Maandag bleek echter de website waar de subsidie van maximaal 650 euro kan worden aangevraagd slecht te bereiken is.
Agentschap NL stelt er alles aan te doen de site zo snel mogelijk weer open te stellen. Tot die tijd kan via de site van het agentschap het formulier worden gedownload.
VVD: draai bezuiniging op ruimtevaart terug
04-07-2012 06:45
DEN HAAG (ANP) – De VVD wil de eerder afgesproken bezuinigingen op de ruimtevaart terugdraaien. Tweede Kamerlid Afke Schaart denkt op de begroting van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie (EL&I) een bedrag te hebben gevonden zodat de plannen kunnen worden bijgesteld. Zij gaat minister Maxime Verhagen (Economische Zaken) woensdag vragen geld uit een ongebruikte subsidiepot voor energiebeleid aan te wenden voor de ruimtevaart.
Ruim 8000 welzijnwerkers verloren baan
UTRECHT - Honderden buurtaccommodaties zijn de afgelopen
2 jaar gesloten en tussen de 8000 en 9000 welzijnswerkers hebben hun baan
verloren. In ruim 2000 gevallen gaat het om gedwongen ontslag. Dat blijkt uit
onderzoek van de brancheorganisatie voor Welzijn en Maatschappelijke
Dienstverlening MOgroep naar de lokale gemeentelijke bezuinigingen tussen 2010
en 2012.
Eind 2011 telde de branche zo'n 70.000 personeelsleden, wat neerkomt op
ongeveer 47.000 arbeidsplaatsen.
Voor veel welzijnsorganisaties is de grens bereikt door de bezuinigingen, zo
concludeert de MOgroep. Als er nog meer gekort wordt, kunnen de geplande
besparingen op jeugdzorg, begeleiding bij de Algemene Wet Bijzondere
Ziektekosten (AWBZ) en werken naar vermogen niet worden uitgevoerd. Volgens de
brancheorganisatie moet er juist geïnvesteerd worden in deze collectieve
dinsdag 3 juli 2012
Financial giants are moving jobs off Wall Street
Financial giants are moving jobs off Wall Street:
New York’s biggest investment houses are shifting jobs out of the area and expanding in cheaper locales in the United States, threatening the vast middle tier of positions that form the backbone of employment on Wall Street.
New York’s biggest investment houses are shifting jobs out of the area and expanding in cheaper locales in the United States, threatening the vast middle tier of positions that form the backbone of employment on Wall Street.
Despite documents, urban poor in India fear eviction
Despite documents, urban poor in India fear eviction: A UN report says the most visible violation of housing rights faced by the urban poor in India today is the practice of eviction without due legal process.
maandag 2 juli 2012
UK to deploy missiles for Olympics
UK to deploy missiles for Olympics:
.The UK is planning to deploy surface-to-air missiles on six sites in London, amidst reports that al-Qaida is plotting to blow up an American airliner.
.The UK is planning to deploy surface-to-air missiles on six sites in London, amidst reports that al-Qaida is plotting to blow up an American airliner.

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