zaterdag 23 augustus 2014

The existence of extraterrestrial life and even the presence of alien intelligence in the cosmos and even in our solar system, would have an extreme impact on our worldview and the foundations of science, filosophy and even theology. When entities from far of star-systems visit earth, it means that they had, intentionally, traveled from light-years away. In our conventional scientific paradigms, this is impossible. It violates our opinions/laws on matter, energy, travel-speed and ethnocentric beliefs. Those visitors would possess technology far beyond our reach and comprehension. They certainly will be much more civilized and advanced. Everything seems possible. This line of thought leads us away from the truth. Not that I know the truth, yet.
I strongly believe, that alien intelligence and visitations, as prescribed above, do not happen in the way they are explained. I also think, that the evidence produced, all around the world, are no illusions, weather-balloons or swamp-gas. For me, I call them tendencies to exist. Holographic projections, secret war experiments and inter dimensional traffic are the possible explanations. If I would have the intention to create a new world order. I would distract the interested few by phenomena and events, that would channel their energy into wormholes or black-stars. In the meantime I would slowly implement a dictatorial, totalitarian mind frame, in which people out of ignorance and fear, would except total control. I would give them the idea, that all could change to the worst.
If alien intelligence exist I think that they are bad researchers, bad teachers, bad explorers and very bad communicators. They search for contact in most compromising circumstances with people, vulnerable to suggestion and open to alternative explanations.
What they say about our earth is obvious. Carl Sagan put forward an important question: How do we explain our behavior to a superior intelligence. This question is an important one. But superior intelligence does not exist in this way. We are on our own and we have to find our way, without the guidance of alien masters. Alien intelligence cannot play a role, because our universe is getting smaller and is showing its multi-dimensionality. You could call it a prison. But who are the prison-guards?

zaterdag 9 augustus 2014

It was Kain, so the Bible sais, who commited the first act of violence. He killed his brother Abel, because of envy; God accepted his offerings and refused Kain's. This evil deed split up the universe into dualities. The holistic universe retreated and man stood in front of his worst enemy, himself, as an alter-ego and double. Kain's curse is still being exercised. Man fighting and killing man. Indian babys are born with their hands wide open, Caucasian new-borns enter the new world, with hands like fists. Once you fulfill an act of deliberate violence, you are doomed. Not only will one fight lead to another, it will also haunt you in lives to come. We cannot understand violence, when we don't accept and incorporate the concept of reincarnation.

The French philosopher Levinas explored the concept of “violence” and its effects on nature and mankind. Violence is much, much more, that“just” war, looting, deliberate destruction, crime, etnic cleansing and assasinations. Violence is also the “commerce and merchandising-department of violence”. All the computergames, video's, movies and toys are materialization of violence, and promoted as a toy for kids starting from 2 years on. Violence is all the noise we produce, the pollution of the atmosphere, mega-festivals, car and motorraces and mass-experiences. Violence against animals and against nature. But most of all, the violence against each-other and expecially your loved-ones. In this 1 to 1-interaction violence can mean gossiping, nagging, ignoring, discriminating or treating without respect. This is the real battleground and it generates all kinds of effects.

So violence is proclaimes as being natural. It is not, humans are the only species, that kills each-other on purpose, but Natural Geographic and Animal Planet are programming our kids, that nature means “eat or being eating” and that predators rule. Violence is presented as a “meaning to an end”. War is many-times the first option and History Channel will underline that our cultural development, is synonymous to survival of the fittest, while nations and empiresfighting heroic and ultimate battles. There is no war, to end all wars. When a war ends, you plan for the next one. This snake in our Paradise, is the military-industrial complex and the governing Elite.
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Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU

donderdag 7 augustus 2014

In Nederland stemt 41 procent van de stemgerechtigde 25-minners niet. Tussen de 25 en 40 brengt 21 procent van de bevolking zijn stem niet uit. Het resultaat ervan is enorm. Zouden de niet-stemmers tussen de 20 en 40 gaan stemmen, dan verdelen zij, gecorrigeerd, 17 zetels. 




We are destroying our environment. We are our environment. Conclusion: we are destroying ourself. This is behavior, that you don't find anywhere in nature. There is no tiger desperately killing all the game around. No, predators are part of an environment (a cycle), serving a purpose on another level, being thereby part of the whole. We shot bisons out of trains (elephants too) and drove whole herds of horses, down a mountain. Forms of genocide and destructive for your environment, eventually destroying your own existence (or reason to exist).
Still the destruction goes on and we are very good at it. Imagine a nordic, tundra like landscape in Canada. Bushes, small trees and all kind of “petite” plant- and animal life. Grazing caribu and a pack of wolves, drinking from a small stream full of salmon. In this (fortunately) “deserted” area oil-sands are discovered. They contain a little bit of oil. At this moment enormous machines are stripping the surface, Draglines transport the soil and puts them in colossal trucks, that drive to a stinking, polluting factory, where they heat and squeeze the earth, to produce oil, so that we can drive our cars. They are even making big profits on it (Royal Dutch (!) Shell). What remains is an arctic dessert, where all live has disappeared and the profiteurs are leaving us behind with an enormous ecological disaster and a big waste problem.

As above so below. If I treated my garden, the way Shell exploits Nigeria (Royal Dutch Shell), my neighbours would have lynched me and I was expelled from the community. But on a global scale it is logical and economically profitable. This is an implanted and genetically modified, alien attitude. Why, because human beings don't destroy their environment. If they do and think its ockay (which obvious is for a long time now) to happen, the conclusion must be, that we are controlled and manipulated by alien forces to act against our interests ( with war, terror, polluting, destroying our environment, destroying our health and a livable future). We must have been deceived. Deceived, manipulated and lied to by “entities” (human, alien, hybrid) that do profit from this situation.

If you look closer, you must conclude that this “nature-thing” is all a joke, a facade. At this moment everywhere precious pieces of nature are economically exploited, polluted and destroyed. Are we on a, planned, route to a global suicide? Is that human or natural? I think it is not! Free your mind, get of your ass and do something.



The mythology of the Hall of Records is a popular one among those who hold alternative theories of Ancient Egypt. The origins of the story about the "Hall of Records" are unknown, though the idea that there is a cavity around the sphinx dates back to Pliny the Elder. In Pliny's Natural History, he states that "[the Egyptians] are of the opinion that a King Harmais is buried inside it." [2]
Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, in "Message of the Sphinx" stated that American archeologists and the Egyptian government had blocked investigations around the Sphinx, including attempts to locate any underground cavities.[3] Bauval later wrote Secret Chamber in 1999. According to Bauval's research, Egyptian Antiquities granted an American team a license to search for the Hall of Records under the Sphinx. It has been postulated that there may be three passages around the Sphinx; two with unknown origin and one is supposedly a small dead-end shaft behind the head of nineteenth century origins. Also, little holes in the body of the Sphinx may be related to its construction, but this is unknown.
Various alternate theories on the origin of the Hall have been proposed, including that the Hall was not the work of Ancient Egyptians at all but another society (this has ranged from advanced prehistoric societies to a superior race of intelligent beings). Accordingly, this society sealed the Hall away with scrolls of their accumulated knowledge at about 10,500 BC—the last period of time when the constellation of Leo was located between the Sphinx's paws when it rose in the night sky. Skeptics[who?] have relegated such notions to be much like the supposed inhabitants of Atlantis in Hellenic myth.



Millions of people await the End of our World, with joy in their heart. They project Bible- and other prophesies on the first half of the 21st century and they are convinced, that He will come.

Of course they mean Jesus Christ, but this also means, that they are awaiting the AntiChrist, Satan in human form.

The moment he appears, a period of 7 years will begin called the Tribulation. It will start with world-Peace and end in total destruction. Billions will die of starvation, epidemics, religious violence, natural disasters and because of warfare.

The current state of the world seems to prove this apocalyptic vision right.

New sex 'superbug' may be more infectious than AIDS

WASHINGTON: Doctors are warning of a new sexually-transmitted superbug which they fear could ultimately prove to be even more deadly than AIDS. The antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhoea - now considered a superbug - was discovered in Japan two years ago. Experts have warned that the bacteria's effects could match those of AIDS. "This might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly," said Alan Christianson, a doctor of naturopathic medicine.

Unbelievable Correlation Of Earth Changing Signs & Events Unfolding 2014-2015

SiTU Monkey Memo

Why we cannot see

Djinn, demons and other malovent hidden entities.

dimensional archetypes, sacred geometry