maandag 16 maart 2015


Do you want to learn more, know more, see more and hear more?

Do you want to learn the things that are hidden and forbidden?

Do you want to shape your future, according to you potentional?


Then please contact

SiTU Academy

for a personal advice.

made in Holland

donderdag 16 oktober 2014

zondag 21 september 2014



In Nederland stemt 41 procent van de stemgerechtigde 25-minners niet. Tussen de 25 en 40 brengt 21 procent van de bevolking zijn stem niet uit. Het resultaat ervan is enorm. Zouden de niet-stemmers tussen de 20 en 40 gaan stemmen, dan verdelen zij, gecorrigeerd, 17 zetels.
In 1959 the Leaky-couple did some important finds in South-Eastern Africa. They discovered bones and parts of a skull, that definitively proved the existance of a hominid-creature, that used tools and fire. There feautures were definitively ape-like, but due to its collective lifestyle in caves, the tools they made, the hunting techniques it was classified as hominid, a proto-human that would evolve into homo sapiens. Africa was the birth ground of human kind. Forced by overpopulation, climate change and absence of game, they wandered North. In the Middle-East our adventurers split up. Some went west, through Turkey, the Balkan and the Alps to Western Europe. Another group went East. Through Asia to India and into Indonesia. Others went up North again and arrived in China.
Because of the Ice-age groups of wanderers could pass the Beringstrait and arrived in Alaska (America). They wandered south and finally settled the whole continent. Some arrived in Mexico about ten-thousand years ago. They then developed some impressive cultures: the Olmecs, the Maya, the Anasasi, the Aztecs and the Inca. This all happened in a short period of about 8000 years, when it abruptly stopped in the 16th century by the Spanish invasion. The Inca and Aztecs were only some of millions of native Indians and cultural entities/tribes that were eliminated. Native books, monuments and documents were burned, as were the librarians and the priest. The gold, precious stones and silver were confiscated. The golden and silver statues, jewelry and temple-ornaments were molten down and transported to Spain, to finance its military and political ambitions.
In 1959 a Mexican archeologist was digging in a dried up riverbed. He made an important find. It was a piece of ivory. Part of the tusk of a giant mammoth. This seems not that important. Until the end of the Ice-age (12.500 years ago, so archeologists assume) America was populated by all kinds of giant mammals. Colossal mammoths, deer, horses and sloths to name a few. They, for no apparent reason got extinct.
But this piece of bone was an anomaly. Though slightly faded, on the surface animals were carved. The drawings (a giant tapir, pierced with spears and a mastodont) were made, when the bone was fresh. This meant, that an artist was active here, some 15.000 year ago. According to the accepted theory, this was not possible. Humans had not arrived here, yet. But it got worse.
More digs were made. And they were productive. Spearheads and other stone-artifacts were found. And registered. Dating techniques gave amazing results. The finds were at least 250.000 year old. One spear tip, of that age, was found in a bone. The animal escaped and carried it for the rest of its life.
Authorities struck back. Armed with guns policemen pressed the workers to sign a petition, which said that the archeologists had planted the items themselves. All artifacts were confiscated and transported to the National Museum in Mexico-city. Here they all disappeared and the area where the finds were made, is forbidden territory for archeologists and diggers. Still most people believe, that the Indians arrived from Siberia and worked their way down, creating miracles on the way in a few thousand years.

zaterdag 23 augustus 2014

The existence of extraterrestrial life and even the presence of alien intelligence in the cosmos and even in our solar system, would have an extreme impact on our worldview and the foundations of science, filosophy and even theology. When entities from far of star-systems visit earth, it means that they had, intentionally, traveled from light-years away. In our conventional scientific paradigms, this is impossible. It violates our opinions/laws on matter, energy, travel-speed and ethnocentric beliefs. Those visitors would possess technology far beyond our reach and comprehension. They certainly will be much more civilized and advanced. Everything seems possible. This line of thought leads us away from the truth. Not that I know the truth, yet.
I strongly believe, that alien intelligence and visitations, as prescribed above, do not happen in the way they are explained. I also think, that the evidence produced, all around the world, are no illusions, weather-balloons or swamp-gas. For me, I call them tendencies to exist. Holographic projections, secret war experiments and inter dimensional traffic are the possible explanations. If I would have the intention to create a new world order. I would distract the interested few by phenomena and events, that would channel their energy into wormholes or black-stars. In the meantime I would slowly implement a dictatorial, totalitarian mind frame, in which people out of ignorance and fear, would except total control. I would give them the idea, that all could change to the worst.
If alien intelligence exist I think that they are bad researchers, bad teachers, bad explorers and very bad communicators. They search for contact in most compromising circumstances with people, vulnerable to suggestion and open to alternative explanations.
What they say about our earth is obvious. Carl Sagan put forward an important question: How do we explain our behavior to a superior intelligence. This question is an important one. But superior intelligence does not exist in this way. We are on our own and we have to find our way, without the guidance of alien masters. Alien intelligence cannot play a role, because our universe is getting smaller and is showing its multi-dimensionality. You could call it a prison. But who are the prison-guards?